Mixed Reality

Dale más vida a tus contenidos con escaparates de realidad aumentada y sobresale de la competencia.

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La realidad aumentada (RA) te permite a tí y a tus usuarios ver una imagen digital en el entorno real con la ayuda de un dispositivo móvil. Para ello, la cámara de la tableta o el móvil capta el entorno real para integrar en él a la perfección el contenido digital. Las posibilidades que ofrece esta tecnología como  herramienta de marketing  son gigantes. Deja que tus clientes exploren productos e información en 3D  con un solo clic en su dispositivo móvil, en casa, en la oficina o en cualquier otro lugar. Así podrá descubrir de una forma totalmente nueva los productos, las exposiciones, la información y mucho más. Así despertarás su apetito por más, harás que te recuerden y que seas parte de sus conversaciones.

Mixed Reality projection of a car

Realidad aumentada para marketing

El uso de la realidad aumentada ofrece a muchas industrias un gran potencial para nuevas estrategias de marketing. Esta herramienta permite a los agentes inmobiliarios mostrar propiedades en 3D en las exposiciones; a los fabricantes de productos gestionar toda su cartera digitalmente a su stand virtual; a las instituciones culturales ampliar sus exposiciones y atracciones y a las editoriales dar vida a libros ya publicados. De este modo, el usuario podrá descubrir los contenidos de forma lúdica, fidelizándolo y aumentando el interés de otros clientes. Al mismo tiempo, al utilizar la tecnología de realidad aumentada, podrás presentarse como una empresa moderna y dirigirte a un nuevo grupo de destinatarios.

  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Competitive advantage through "wow" effect
  • Improve customer experience
Digital learning with Mixed Reality

Realidad Aumentada

Los contenidos de realidad aumentada se caracterizan por su  increíble vivacidad. Esto ofrece un enorme potencial no sólo de cara al marketing, sino también en el sector de la educación. Los entornos digitales  de aprendizaje inteligente, por ejemplo, pueden salvar la distancia entre el aprendizaje analógico y el digital gracias a contenidos de realidad mixta. Te permitirán conectar fácilmente entre sí materiales de aprendizaje, seminarios web, chats en línea y contenidos en 3D. Esto permite que la transferencia de conocimientos sea más real y garantiza el éxito del aprendizaje a largo plazo, circunstancias perfectas para la  incorporación a empresas, así como para la formación y la educación continua. También es posible utilizar las gafas de realidad aumentada, que permiten ver sistemas y productos virtualmente, pero como si estuvieras realmente delante de ellos. Además se pueden añadir animaciones y superposiciones de texto para complementar la experiencia. De este modo, los aprendices, nuevos estudiantes y los empleados pueden recibir consejos e información tangibles durante la formación y también en el trabajo diario. ¡Descubre  rooomImmersions como una solución práctica para el aprendizaje permanente!

  • Reduce costs for professional education
  • Sustainable knowledge transfer
  • Making learning more fun
Mixed Reality in tourism at the hiking trail natura jenensis

Soluciones de turismo digital

¿Buscas algo especial para realzar una ruta, una exposición o una atracción turística? Con rooomGuide, podrás utilizar las amplias posibilidades de las tecnologías inmersivas para potenciar tu atracción turística. Da vida a especies extinguidas, revive épocas pasadas y organiza un concurso de aventuras interactivo. De este modo, podrás crear experiencias totalmente nuevas a partir de destinos ya existentes. Diseña tu  guía digital  según tus ideas y sin conocimientos de programación - ¡RoomImmersions lo hace posible!

  • Boost awareness for destinations
  • Increase reach
  • Get young people interested in culture
Person using iPhone for Mixed Reality view of furniture

Mixed Reality on smartphones is the perfect solution for product presentations and virtual tours.

Woman using Mixed Reality headset

Mixed Reality headsets allow a higher degree of immersion in virtual worlds.

Mixed Reality content can be delivered in different ways. Some applications run directly on the smartphone - with or without an app - while a special headset is recommended for more immersive experiences. As an all-in-one platform, rooom runs on all common devices - whether mobile device or Mixed Reality headset. Depending on the specific conditions in your company, you are guaranteed to find a tailored solution.

We'll show you

Testimonios de clientes sobre rooomImmersions

rooomImmersions de un vistazo

AR Portal

Augmented Reality portals offer an immersive experience that combines the real with the virtual world. An AR portal can be placed in stationary retail outlets, public places, museums, etc. and enables visitors to enter virtual worlds via Mixed Reality on a smartphone or tablet.

Mixed Reality for print media

Mixed Reality allows you to easily integrate interactive content into books, brochures, newspapers, business cards and much more. With the help of Augmented Reality, you can bring the content to life and increase interest in your print products.

Photo: Stefanie Loos on behalf of the Thuringian Ministry of Economics

Mixed Reality Guide

Leverage the extensive possibilities of Mixed Reality to enhance tourist attractions such as museums and adventure trails with interactive digital tours. An interactive guide will provide inspiration and fun for young and old.

Mixed Reality Learning

Gadgets for learning with Mixed Reality have a positive impact on learning motivation and effectiveness. With a special cube and the matching app, a wide variety of objects can be physically explored - Mixed Reality at your fingertips.

Inspiration: Mixed Reality software in action

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rooomPortal Bayer Leverkusen Mixed Reality Showcase at OMR

Mixed Reality experience Bayer 04 Leverkusen

Digital transformation affects all areas of our society. In sports marketing, Mixed Reality & Co. have already left their mark. Bundesliga soccer team Bayer Leverkusen presented a virtual stadium experience with the AR portal at the OMR Festival. The project received the European Metaverse Award.

Read the success story

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Corporate learning with Mixed Reality

BSH, Europe's leading household appliance manufacturer, offers its team different learning and development opportunities in Smart Learning environments. Learning experiences with Mixed Reality contribute to motivation, foster employee engagement and can be integrated seamlessly into the daily work routine - combining virtual and physical learning on site.

Read the success story

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Augmented Reality book "Regentröpfchens Reise"

The book tells the story of the raindrop Cirrus, who travels through the seasons and learns how wind and weather work. The Mixed Reality illustrations add an extra layer to the book, making complex processes like the water cycle or wind movements more accessible and understandable for kids. This not only boosts their motivation and initiative but also sparks their imagination.

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Nature experience trails "natura jenensis"

Interactive Mixed Reality content along hiking trails offers young and old new incentives to get out into nature. In addition to audio guides, the supplementary Mixed Reality app also includes Augmented Reality objects and 360° panoramas that immerse visitors in other worlds and bring history to life.

Read the success story

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Hybrid Vernissage with Mixed Reality Content

AR art exhibition with NFTs

The utilization of Mixed Reality in a hybrid vernissage by artist Pedro Martin Rojo made it possible to virtually place artworks on your own wall in your home or office environment. After the event, only NFT owners were given access to the digital twins, creating an innovative connection between virtual and physical art.

Read the success story

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"Eichplatz area" Mixed Reality app

How will a planned building appear at its actual location and in its real size? How will it fit in with the surrounding buildings and facilities? In the construction and real estate industry, Mixed Reality technology enables impressive visualizations to communicate planning decisions transparently in public spaces.

FAQ: Mixed Reality Software

What is needed for Mixed Reality?

Many people first think of a VR or AR headset when they think of Mixed Reality, but this is not mandatory. Mixed Reality content can also be experienced on mobile devices using an app or web AR. With cross-device Mixed Reality software, the degree of immersion and the end device used can be chosen individually.

What is a Mixed Reality app?

A Mixed Reality app is used to combine digital content with the real environment via smartphone or tablet. Products, exhibits, information and much more can be experienced on a completely new level. Mixed Reality apps are mainly used as gimmicks or virtual guides in experience marketing and tourism.

How much does Mixed Reality software cost?

The possibilities that Mixed Reality has to offer as a marketing or learning tool are multifaceted. This is why the costs can vary depending on the scope of the project. Programming effort and costs can be reduced with a content management system for Mixed Reality content.

Pricing upon request

Contacta con nosotros

Hablemos de cómo nuestras soluciones de realidad aumentada pueden mejorar tus proyectos.

Annelie Herrmann
Your rooom contact - especially for Metaverse topics, 3D commerce and digital twins in 3D & AR