
Spatial Computing: The Future of Interactive and Immersive Technologies

Spatial Computing: user interfaces distributed in physical space
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Spatial Computing and Spatial Commerce are the tech buzzwords of the moment. Read the article and find out what’s behind these terms.

Ever since the announcement of Apple’s new Mixed Reality headset Vision Pro a lot of people have been buzzing about the topic of Spatial Computing. But what exactly does this term mean, and what possibilities does this technology offer? Read the article and discover the explanation.

Basically, Spatial Computing refers to user interfaces distributed in physical space. Whether you’re gesturing to your toaster to get the perfect crunch on your bread right, asking Alexa about the weather, or checking your emails on a digital whiteboard – all of this is Spatial Computing. Even though it sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, this technology has long been a reality. Behind it is an innovative concept that is revolutionizing how we interact with technology.

What is Spatial Computing?

Spatial Computing is a major trend in the tech world right now. But it’s not a brand-new concept. The term was coined in 2003 by Simon Greenwold in his thesis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He defined Spatial Computing as “human interaction with a machine in which the machine retains and manipulates referents to real objects and spaces."1 Back then, the idea of seamlessly blending the real and virtual worlds seemed like a futuristic fantasy. However, with the lightning-fast progress in hardware and sensors, along with advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT), that fantasy has become a reality. Spatial Computing is a computing concept that mixes all these innovations, creating a much more interactive and immersive way for us to use technology. Instead of being confined to fixed screens and traditional input devices like keyboards or touchscreens, we can use physical gestures like head, eye, and body movements, along with voice commands or mere presence, to control devices and programs, enhancing our experience with software.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of devices equipped with sensors, transmitters, and software to connect to other systems over the internet. This enables these objects to exchange data with each other. The spectrum ranges from everyday household appliances to advanced industrial machinery.

A personal computer (PC) with a keyboard and mouse – the predecessor of Spatial Computing – typically doesn’t come with direct spatial reference and operates with fixed input devices instead. However, the core of Spatial Computing revolves around processing context-related and three-dimensional information in real-time. Imagine getting info by pointing at landmarks from a tower’s viewpoint, controlling robot-assisted logistics through hand gestures, or surgeons practicing complex procedures in virtual reality with haptic feedback. Spatial Computing opens up incredible possibilities, to set free our creative potential, boost productivity, and help us grasp complex matters on a deeper level.

What are the applications of Spatial Computing?

But how exactly is Spatial Computing put to use? Let’s dive into some exciting application areas:

Spatial Commerce – the future of E-Commerce

Picture this: you are able to shop in a virtual store right from the comfort of your own living room. That’s precisely what Spatial Commerce allows.

Thanks to Augmented Reality (AR), you can project furniture directly into your own space or try on clothes virtually before hitting the “buy” button. Products come to life in 3D, creating fresh customer experiences. AI-powered service avatars can provide 24/7 information and details about products or give you insights into the backstory of your favorite brand. These immersive shopping experiences are revolutionizing E-Commerce and giving us an entirely new way to shop.

Spatial Audio – Dive into Soundscapes

Spatial Audio leverages advanced audio technologies to craft a lifelike 3D audio experience. This means that sound appears to come from a real position all around us, thanks to head tracking, which dynamically captures head movements. This creates 360° audio experiences that deliver impressive sonic surroundings – whether you’re watching movies, playing video games, or listening to music.

Inclusive Technology

Spatial Computing has the potential to promote inclusion and create accessible technology. People with limited abilities can benefit from specially tailored interfaces that cater to their individual needs. Voice control and gestures allow for contactless interaction from a distance, while spatial representations can make understanding local surroundings easier. These personalized applications play a crucial role in empowering individuals with disabilities to manage their daily lives autonomously and independently.

Reducing Health Risks

While we’ve grown accustomed to our current user interfaces over the past 30 years, it’s worth noting that keyboards and mice weren’t exactly designed with our hands’ well-being in mind. These devices, remnants of typewriter evolution, can have long-term negative effects on fingers and wrists. And let’s not forget the strain on our eyes from excessive screen time, especially during late hours – not to mention the toll a slouched posture takes on our backs. Distributing user interfaces throughout a room not only encourages mobility, but innovative VR controllers, gesture controls, and voice inputs liberate our hands. Their efficiency allows us to cut down on computer time, minimizing potential harm associated with prolonged usage.

Workflow Optimization: Enhancing Efficiency

When it comes to the workplace, Spatial Computing opens up impressive ways to fine-tune workflows. Take the design process, for instance. 3D models can be created and then projected into real environments through AR, helping design teams make quick decisions or implementing changes to prototypes. In the industrial sector, Spatial Computing proves useful for visualizing intricate processes.

In the medical field, interactive representations contribute to more precise diagnoses or enhance training for complex surgical procedures. Spatial Computing enables seamless collaboration among teams, regardless of their physical location. Moreover, smart, reactive workflows powered by AI and IoT enable real-time analysis, automation, and adaptation of processes, thereby boosting company efficiency and simplifying the work experience.

A Connected Future – Internet of Things (IoT)

Spatial Computing serves as a crucial interface for the Internet of Things (IoT). It facilitates the connection of physical devices with virtual information and applications. And as examples like Smart Offices and Smart Homes show, it can play an important role in enhancing user comfort, efficiency, and experiences.

In Smart Offices, Spatial Computing can foster more productive work environments, while living in Smart Homes becomes more convenient and efficient. Devices in offices or homes, for instance, respond to contextual data such as the presence and location of individuals, daylight, air quality, and room temperature. They automatically adjust to fit people’s needs.

Amazon’s Alexa and Other Voice Assistants

The voice recognition technology of Alexa and other similar voice assistants is a prime example of Spatial Computing in the homes of millions of people. By integrating software control and voice recognition, they enable interactions with thousands of devices in Smart Homes to carry out various tasks. This spans from controlling lighting with a simple sound or voice command, to activating security systems, and even pulling up the latest news or playing music.

Spatial Computing in the Metaverse

What role does Spatial Computing play in the Metaverse, and how can it enrich Metaverse experiences? Anywhere the virtual, augmented, and the physical world come together, a digital space emerges – the Metaverse. And this is where Spatial Computing steps in and unlocks a host of possibilities for us.

Spatial Computing extends the real world without tying us down to a fixed user interface. This technology lets us project digital content directly into the physical world, interact with it in real-time, and blur the lines between reality and virtuality. Through intuitive gestures and interactions, we navigate the digital realm, manipulating objects as if they were right there with us. In turn, Spatial Computing transforms the space around us into an interactive playground, breaking down barriers between humans and technology. It sets the stage for unique experiences within the Metaverse.

But Spatial Computing doesn’t stop at enhancing immersion. It also plays an important role in continually optimizing Metaverse experiences. Team collaboration and social interactions among individuals in the virtual space become smoother and more natural. Spatial Computing opens up new ways to visualize information.

The reality of users can be enriched with context-based data, instructions, or tutorials that offer guidance and boost efficiency. With that the Metaverse has the potential to evolve into a vibrant realm of information. Already, the Metaverse offers exciting, dynamic, and innovative experiences, which are set to become even more immersive with the capabilities of Spatial Computing.

rooom x Spatial Computing

At rooom, we’re committed to making our Metaverse solutions easily accessible and ensuring that the entry to the Metaverse is as straightforward as possible for everyone. To achieve that, we have put together a toolkit that allows you to effortlessly design your own Metaverse worlds and use a web-based technology that brings our digital experiences to life on all major devices. That’s why we’re excited about the new opportunities that Spatial Computing brings with it, allowing us to create even more captivating and interactive virtual environments for our users while simplifying the synergy between our Extended Reality (XR) technologies.

More intuitive interfaces, gesture and gaze control, as well as precise tracking enabled by the potential of Spatial Computing, take interaction with and within the Metaverse to a new level. Users can use natural movements to dive right into the Metaverse, navigate through virtual worlds, connect with other people, and collaborate. It’s becoming increasingly easier to establish genuine social connections in the Metaverse, enhance communication, and share experiences online. This way, it is also possible to form thriving communities in the virtual world.

Explore the possibilities of Spatial Computing in the Metaverse!

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Spatial Computing in action with the Apple Vision Pro

With the launch of Apple Vision Pro headset, Apple’s first spatial computer, the concept of spatial computing is now a reality. Since rooom's solutions are browser-based, our immersive virtual experiences work seamlessly on the Apple Vision Pro. Our 3D models are already Vision Pro-ready, thanks to our support of Apple's USDZ file format. Therefore, we’re excited that Apple recognizes the incredible potential of spatial computing and believes in the vast possibilities in this field.


The potential and applications of Spatial Computing are enormous. The merging of reality and virtual experiences is breaking down the barriers of using digital technologies. Moreover, it can also boost both mobility and well-being in the daily work life of many people. Engaging with digital technologies becomes more playful, and interactions in the digital space become more immersive and natural. The industrial sector, sales, and customers are able to gain deeper insights into their products, systems, and workflows, allowing them to visualize and communicate these aspects more effectively. Since we founded rooom, we’ve been dedicated to this vision, and we’re thrilled that the potentials of XR, Hybrid Events, and E-Commerce are now gaining strong public interest. With Spatial Computing, this exciting vision of the future gains yet another dimension.

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Hendrik Lober

Chief 3D Development Officer (C3DO) at rooom

With a total of 14 years of experience in the field of 3D development and a Bachelor’s degree in…

More about Hendrik Lober


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