
WebXR: The future of immersive web experiences

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Discover the possibilities of WebXR! This technology combines VR, AR and MR directly in the web browser and revolutionizes your digital experiences.

In a digital world that is constantly evolving, WebXR opens up new possibilities for both developers and users. Web-based Extended Reality, or WebXR for short, combines the best aspects of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) and enables immersive experiences to be accessed directly via web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari. But what exactly is behind this term and how does it differ from other technologies? In this blog, we take an in-depth look at WebXR, its definition and differentiation, as well as the latest developments in XR headsets, including the Apple Vision Pro.

XR vs. VR, AR und MR

WebXR is an emerging technology that makes it possible to enjoy immersive experiences directly in the web browser. But what makes WebXR so special and how does it differ from VR, AR and MR?

Virtual reality (VR) describes fully immersive digital experiences in which users are immersed in a completely computer-generated environment. This usually requires special VR headsets that completely block out the real world.

Augmented reality (AR), on the other hand, expands the real world with digital overlays. Users see their physical environment supplemented by virtual objects or information, typically through devices such as smartphones or AR glasses.

Mixed reality (MR) goes one step further and enables interaction between real and virtual objects in real time. MR experiences require advanced sensors and technology to seamlessly integrate the real and virtual worlds.

Extended Reality (XR) stands for "Extended Reality" and is an umbrella term that encompasses all of these technologies. XR stands for the entirety of all immersive technologies and describes VR, AR and MR.

WebXR plays a key role in lowering the barriers to accessing immersive experiences. Traditional VR and AR experiences often require specialized hardware and software, which limits the spread of these technologies. With WebXR, users can access immersive content directly from their web browser, without additional downloads or devices.

Instead of having to adhere to many different standards when providing applications for the Android and iOS app stores, web application developers only have to adhere to one uniform standard and can still cover many different end devices. Meta Quest, for example, shows what it looks like when you work on an installation basis. There is a special app store here. In order to be listed in this store, providers must develop their own app specifically for the Quest Store and have it tested. Users, on the other hand, have to download the app in order to use it. Web-based solutions, on the other hand, are much closer to the users and simplify programming. This promotes the broad uptake and use of XR technologies and makes them versatile and future-proof.

Applications of WebXR

Growing interest and increasingly easy access to technology have led to immersive experiences finding their way into the most diverse areas of life.

Education and training

WebXR can be used to create interactive learning environments that improve the learning process through immersive experiences.

BMW, for example, uses virtual spaces to run training courses and events. By using 3D spaces, training courses and workshops can be designed more efficiently, which reduces both trainer capacities and travel costs. Virtual rooms also enable scalable and multilingual use worldwide. The approach promotes creativity, collaboration and long-term knowledge transfer.

Medical students, on the other hand, can practice surgical procedures in a virtual environment without taking risks or having to undergo training, therapy and patient education before procedures.

Culture and entertainment

The entertainment industry benefits enormously from WebXR by enabling users to immerse themselves in virtual worlds directly in their browser. This lowers the barriers to entry and offers broader access to VR experiences such as sporting events, concerts or shows. The SocialStage VR research project, for example, is investigating how cultural content such as music and concerts will be consumed in the future and how the boundaries between social media and artistic content will be blurred. Events and festivals can also be made immersive. The SonneMondSterne Festival has added a virtual world to its annual electro festival. This allows visitors to feel the festival spirit at any time and enjoy regular DJ shows.

Virtual tours

Virtual tours of real estate offer the opportunity to view properties without having to be physically on site. In addition, cultural experiences and virtual tours such as museum visits can be experienced through WebXR. The regional management of the district of Kitzingen, for example, offers a virtual gallery in which visitors can experience art at their own pace. They can sit comfortably on the sofa, pick up their laptop, tablet or smartphone and immerse themselves in the virtual exhibition. Some of the artworks can also be displayed in augmented reality and "brought" directly into your own homes.


WebXR allows customers to experience products virtually before they buy them. Access to their favorite brands can be made even easier for them. Instead of buying products either in a retail store or in an online store, they can combine the two by experiencing them virtually. Virtual try-ons for fashion products or accessories have also become indispensable. This allows customers to "try on" the products before they buy them. In addition, creative campaigns and interactive advertising can be created using Web XR or furniture can be placed in the home and viewed to see how it fits and looks.

Collaboration and team building

In times of remote working, companies can use WebXR to create virtual meeting spaces where teams can meet and collaborate as if they were in the same room. BSH, Europe's leading home appliance manufacturer, offers its employees lifelong learning with virtual content. For example, processes can be discussed with colleagues in a virtual environment directly on 3D objects. A wide range of tools can support collaboration and make digital working pleasant and productive.

New ways to more interaction on the Internet

In addition, WebXR opens up new opportunities for developers to create innovative and interactive applications that work across platforms. This means that WebXR experiences are consistent across different devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and VR headsets.

The ability to deliver immersive experiences across the web also has the potential to change the way we interact with the internet. Websites could move from static pages to dynamic, interactive environments that engage users more deeply and provide a richer experience.

Unique selling points of web-based applications

Web-based applications, especially in the context of WebXR, offer several decisive advantages:

  • Easy distribution and updating: Since WebXR applications are delivered over the internet, there is no need for users to install or update special software. Developers can centrally deploy updates that are immediately available to all users.
  • Cost efficiency: Web-based applications can be developed and maintained more cost-effectively as they are based on existing web technologies and do not require special hardware.
  • Scalability: WebXR applications can be easily scaled to serve a large number of users simultaneously without requiring significant infrastructure changes.
  • Interoperability: Web technologies are designed for interoperability, which means that WebXR applications can be easily integrated with other web services and technologies.
  • Hardware & software independence: The ability to experience XR experiences directly in the browser without special software is one of the biggest advantages.

XR-Headsets meets web-based

But how do web-based applications and XR headsets come together? 3D models are the basis for web-based XR. To open them up, XR headsets are by no means a must, but another way to experience them. What makes Apple's latest XR headset so special is that it supports web-based applications. Compared to other headsets such as the Oculus Quest and Microsoft HoloLens, this is one of the unique selling points of the Apple Vision Pro. It is currently one of the most innovative devices on the market.

Opening and placing 3D models via browser with the Apple Vision Pro.

The mixed reality headset leverages the familiar Apple user interface and intuitive controls, allowing users to interact naturally with 3D product models. This helps bring advanced virtual shopping experiences to a wider audience. Apple's image and the widespread use of its devices means that interest in XR is increasing and therefore its applications are better accepted by consumers, which also accelerates the integration of mixed reality into everyday shopping.

We have already been able to impress numerous visitors at trade fairs with our 3D objects, which they were able to experience on the Apple Vision Pro. In particular, the deceptively realistic appearance paired with the realistic integration into the environment has caused amazement and enthusiasm. The ease of use was also impressive - especially how easy it is to move the 3D object with your own hands.

This technology opens up numerous new possibilities that are far more than just gimmicks. From learning on 3D models to large machines that can be brought directly to the customer thanks to XR glasses - we are only at the beginning!

Future prospects for WebXR

The future of WebXR looks promising as several factors contribute to its establishment. These are the key takeaways:

  • Improvements in web browser technology, faster internet connections and more powerful mobile devices will further increase the quality and performance of WebXR experiences.
  • As VR, AR and MR become increasingly accepted in the mainstream, the demand for easily accessible, web-based XR experiences will also increase.
  • The further development and dissemination of WebXR standards by organizations such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) will facilitate the development and interoperability of WebXR applications.
  • As the use of WebXR in education and professional development grows, the demand for high-quality, immersive learning environments will increase, driving further development of this technology.
  • Companies will continue to find innovative ways to integrate WebXR into their business models, whether in e-commerce, real estate or remote collaboration.
Ready to discover the future of the Internet?

Dive into the world of WebXR and learn how this groundbreaking technology is revolutionizing education, entertainment and e-commerce. Let's explore the next level of digital innovation together!

The next evolutionary stage of the Internet

WebXR represents the next evolution in the world of immersive technologies. By combining the strengths of VR, AR and MR and making them accessible without downloading an app or software, it offers both developers and users new possibilities and advantages. 3D content can already be created, managed and shared via the rooom platform without any programming knowledge and accessed via phone, tablet or PC. We live in a time that is constantly evolving and bringing new technologies to the market. We are constantly testing these new developments in order to make our solutions accessible there too.

WebXR is more than just a technical trend - it is the future of the Internet. With the ongoing development of XR headsets, the possibilities for immersive experiences in the browser are becoming ever greater.

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Sebastian Gottschlich

Chief Technology Officer at rooom

Sebastian has been supporting the rooom team since day one. After studying media informatics at the…

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